Find out the five most important reasons to use LearnDash
LearnDash is a top-tier LMS plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a learning portal for your users and it is one of the popular WordPress LMS plugins in the market. It is widely used by big brands, major universities, best-selling authors, freelancers, and entrepreneurs and is also the easiest to use with tons of features.
LearnDash comes with a simple drag and drops course builder which allows you to easily create multi-layer courses with lessons, topics, quizzes, and categories. You can deliver all your lessons at once or schedule them for the entire course duration with its content feature.
Let’s find out 5 reasons below to know why to use LearnDash.
Ease of use and price value
LearnDash allows you to facilitate selling and managing online courses that you own & control. This is one of the WordPress LMS that is easy to set up because the new “PLUGINS” focus more features. Currently, I have found LearnDash to be seriously having a lot of features that are given in the price category is admirable.

Interactive quizzes
Quizzes provide a way for you to measure a user’s comprehension of the learning material in your course. LearnDash quizzes come with quite a few options to customize the experience. This plugin offers many options to build the courses such as; Quiz Material, Quiz Overview Table, Quiz Certificate, etc… which really makes it more user-friendly and interactive than other different plugins. It really helps to modify a simple question type into an interesting one.

Customization comfortability
It has been usually seen that the comfortability matters in customization either you use LearnDash or any other plugins, but LearnDash is really developer-friendly with the huge range of action and filter hooks. As we know; action and filter hooks are the fundamental part of the various WordPress APIs. Without them, you’re limited as what you can do in your themes and (especially) your plugins. So, LearnDash facilitates you to manage your LMS in a comfortable way.
Community support
One of the common challenges faced by many users to use LearnDash in a result-giving way is a bit difficult but LearnDash gives a very quick and effectively responsive community support platforms by means of social sites and their personal forum which is really productive for users to put their queries and receive appropriate answers/solutions.
A dedicated online community not only brings with it a tremendous amount of support and enthusiasm, but it also gives users a perfect reason to remain part of your product/program.
Access to broad library of features
Another advantage of using LearnDash lies in its access to an ecosystem of plugins that make it fast and easy to extend the functions of LearnDash LMS.
You can easily connect your LearnDash LMS with many applications like; MailChimp, Slack, and Zapier by using the add-on developed by LearnDash Team or LearnDash Developer Community.
Beyond this, the LearnDash team spends a lot of time working on more features that offer users additional tools for the ways they create and manage their courses.
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