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Integrate Your LearnDash Courses with Easy Digital Downloads

This blog post explores integration of LearnDash with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) to optimize LearnDash reporting.

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Whether you’re looking to monetize your online courses or provide an exclusive experience for your students, LearnDash and EDD integration offers the tools you need. This powerful combination helps you achieve your financial objectives while also giving valuable insights into student engagement and progress. These insights ensure a well-rounded and effective e-learning experience.

This way, you won’t have to manage payments and keep track of student progress using various systems anymore. With LearnDash and Easy Digital Downloads working in tandem, you can expedite the process for you and your students. This integration offers a complete solution for any online educator or entrepreneur, from providing a range of pricing structures and subscription options to making student access and course material management simple.

Discover the power of this integration—optimize, organize, and monetize your courses to ensure a smooth and rewarding path for you and your students.

Why use Easy Digital Downloads with LearnDash

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There are several advantages to integrating Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) with LearnDash, which makes it the suitable option for online course sellers. Here’s a detailed look at why you should consider this powerful combination:

Memberships & Subscriptions with EDD

To offer memberships or subscriptions, Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) simplifies the process of setting up recurring payment plans. With EDD’s built-in subscription management features, you can easily create membership tiers or subscription-based pricing for LearnDash courses. This approach not only ensures a consistent stream of revenue but also enhances the learning experience by granting students uninterrupted access to course materials.

Sell Courses in a Bundle

A person is handling a box that represent bundle courses

Integrating LearnDash with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) allows you to sell courses in a bundle and offer learners to access multiple courses in one transaction. This bundled approach adds value by combining several courses into a single purchase, which simplifies the buying process and enhances the learning experience. For example, if you offer courses on digital marketing, you could create a bundle that includes “SEO Fundamentals,” “Social Media Marketing,” and “Email Marketing Strategies.”

Learners can access this comprehensive collection instantly after purchase, benefiting from a cohesive, cost-effective package. For course creators, bundling courses increases sales potential by offering a more attractive product while streamlining enrollment through automated access to all included courses. Using EDD’s pricing flexibility, you can offer discounts or promotional deals on your bundled courses, maximizing both revenue and learner satisfaction.

Additional Payment Gateways

LearnDash offers a variety of payment gateways to facilitate simple and easy transactions for course purchases. By default, it supports Stripe Connect, PayPal, and Razorpay, allowing flexibility for course creators and students. In contrast, Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) also supports Stripe and PayPal and give even more options. Which includes Braintree, 2Checkout Integration, Conditional Gateways, Check Payment Gateway, Gateway Fees, Wallet and EDD ClickBank Integration. This broad range of payment gateways in EDD makes it highly adaptable to different payment methods and regions, ensuring that users can pay in the way that suits them best.

Offer Coupons or Discount Codes

A customer is availing a coupon

Offering coupons and discount codes is a powerful element that you can incorporate to increase sales and engage customers on your LearnDash and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) platforms. By integrating these features, you can attract new customers, retain existing ones, and encourage more purchases. Coupons can be used for a variety of promotional purposes, such as providing a percentage off a course, offering a fixed amount discount, or giving a special deal to loyal customers.

Additionally, LearnDash and EDD offer powerful tools to monitor the effectiveness of your discount codes and promotions. It lets you improve your marketing efforts by enabling you to assess which promos work best. You can improve client satisfaction, sales, and customer loyalty by using coupons and discount codes. These strategies will not only strengthen your marketing but also contribute significantly to the long-term growth and success of your e-learning business.

Default Emails

When it comes to default email notifications, LearnDash covers the basics with emails like Course Purchase Success, Group Purchase Success, New User Registration, and Purchase Invoice. These emails ensure that users and administrators are informed about essential actions related to course purchases and registration.

In comparison, EDD provides a more extensive set of default email notifications. These include Purchase Receipt, Admin Sale Notification, Refund Issued, Admin Refund Notification, New User Registration, Admin New User Notification, User Verification, Password Reset, and the Stripe Early Fraud Warning. Additionally, EDD offers a valuable feature for administrators: weekly and monthly email reports that provide insights into sales and user activity, allowing for more detailed monitoring and performance tracking of the online store.

How to Configure EDD with LearnDash

Once you have activated your LearnDash Premium and Easy Digital Downloads on your website, it’s time to integrate EDD with LearnDash.

Step 1: Install the EDD for LearnDash

  1. In your WordPress admin area, navigate to LEARNDASH LMS > ADD-ONS
  2. Locate the EDD for LearnDash add-on
  3. Click Install Now

Click the Activate Plugin button

Install Edd for learndash add-on

Before you can sell a LearnDash course with EDD, make sure you already created:

  • a LearnDash course
  • a product in EDD

Select a course you already have created in LearnDash course builder.

Step 2: Configure the Integration

  1. Set Up Easy Digital Downloads

Navigate to Downloads > Settings in your WordPress dashboard.

Configure your payment gateways, currency, emails, extensions and other general settings as per your requirements.

  1. Create EDD Products for Your Courses

Since EDD refers to their products as downloads, you can refer to them as either downloads or products.

Go to Downloads > Add New.

Title and Description

Enter the product title and description. This will represent your course.

In the LearnDash Course metabox, select the LearnDash course(s) you want to associate with this product.

Download Details

This section helps you define the type of product you’re offering and set its pricing.

  • Product Type Options:

The Product Type Options represent the different formats or categories of products you can offer in your store. Here’s a breakdown of each:

  1. Single Product
    This is the default option for selling individual digital products, such as eBooks, software, or music files. It’s ideal for stores offering standalone downloadable items.
  1. Bundle
    This option allows you to combine multiple products into a single package with one price. It’s useful for creating product sets or collections that customers can purchase together, such as a bundle of related eBooks or digital tools.

    When selected, the “Download Files” section is replaced with bundle-specific options for managing multiple items.
  1. Service
    This type is for non-downloadable services, where no digital file is provided to the customer. Examples could include consultation, design services, or any other offering that involves manual or professional service delivery rather than a downloadable product.

    When selected, the option to upload files is removed.

Pricing Options

It refers to the various ways to set and manage the prices of your products within your store. They provide flexibility in how you offer pricing to customers, allowing for different strategies to enhance sales. Here’s how each pricing option works:

  1. Set Product Price

This is where you define the standard price for your product. It establishes the baseline cost that customers will pay when they choose to purchase that item.

  1. Enable Variable Pricing

This option allows you to offer multiple price points for a single product based on different variations. For instance, if you have a t-shirt, you could set different prices for small, medium, and large sizes. Customers can select their desired size or variant, and the price will adjust accordingly.

  1. Enable Multi-Option Pricing

This feature allows customers to purchase multiple pricing options simultaneously. For example, if you sell a software license, you might offer a basic, standard, and premium version. Customers can select and add multiple versions to their cart in one transaction, making it convenient for them to buy various options at once.

Download Instructions

The information you enter in this field will appear in two important locations:

  1. On the receipt page after a purchase is made
  2. In the receipt email sent to the customer upon completing their purchase

Both of these places offer excellent opportunities to guide your customers directly to the course they just bought.

Download Instructions
  1. Integrate Courses in EDD Products

Ensure that each EDD product is mapped to the correct LearnDash course. This will allow automatic enrollment upon purchase. This makes it easy to sell LearnDash course access using EDD’s payment gateways, discounts, and other eCommerce features.

Scroll down to find the LearnDash EDD integration in the Edit Download page.In this tab, there will be options to link a LearnDash course or group to the EDD product. You will see dropdown menus that list all your available LearnDash courses and groups. From these dropdowns, choose the course(s) or group(s) you want to associate with this particular EDD product.

When a customer purchases the EDD product, they are automatically enrolled in the linked LearnDash course or group. You can use EDD’s features such as bundles or discounts to sell multiple courses or offer promotional deals on course packages.

Step 3: Download Settings

In the right sidebar, you’ll find a box labeled Download Settings where you can customize various aspects of your product. Here’s what you can do:

  1. File Download Limit

You can set a specific limit for how many times customers can download this product, overriding the default system-wide limit if needed.

  1. Refunds

By default, all products can be refunded by administrators and shop users. You have the option to make individual products non-refundable or to set a Refund Window, which limits the number of days customers can request a refund after purchasing. Note that WordPress Admins and Shop Managers can refund products regardless of these settings.

  1. Button Options

Hide Purchase Button: Normally, the purchase buttons appear at the bottom of the product listing. If you choose to hide this button, you will need to use a shortcode (explained below) to create a purchase link wherever you want it on your site.

Purchase Button Behavior

  • Add to Cart: This button adds the product to the cart, following a traditional shopping experience.
  • Buy Now: This button allows instant purchase but is only available if you have a single payment gateway and no taxes involved. It lets customers buy directly via a popup without going through the checkout page.
  1. Purchase Shortcode:

You can use a shortcode to create a purchase link for your product anywhere on your site. This shortcode outputs a button that customers can click to buy the product.

Publishing Downloads

After configuring all the settings above, the last step is to Publish your download. Keep in mind if you don’t publish your download, it won’t be visible to potential customers on your site.

  • In the Publish box in the right sidebar, you can adjust visibility settings:
    • Public: Anyone can view the product.
    • Password Protected: Only users with the password can access it.
    • Private: Only you and select users can see it.
  • Advanced Scheduling: You can choose to publish your download immediately or schedule it for a future date. If you click Immediately, you can enter a date for when you want the product to go live, and the Publish button will change to Schedule.

Once your download is published, the Publish box will update to show Update, and the date it was published will appear.


In conclusion, integrating LearnDash with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) provides a robust and flexible solution for online educators and entrepreneurs. This integration streamlines the process of selling courses, managing subscriptions, and tracking student progress, all while offering a variety of payment gateway options and marketing tools like coupons and discounts. By combining LearnDash’s powerful learning management features with EDD’s eCommerce capabilities, you can optimize your course offerings, enhance the student experience, and achieve consistent revenue growth. Whether you want to offer bundled courses, membership options, or simple one-time purchases, this combination ensures a smooth, efficient, and rewarding process for both you and your students.

For those looking for professional assistance, LDninjas offer configuration, customization, and maintenance service according to your specific needs. Feel free to contact us to get your LearnDash and EDD setup precisely as per your specifications, enhancing your e-learning experience to the best.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to integrate LearnDash with Easy Digital Downloads. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we wish you the best of luck in your e-learning endeavors. Happy teaching and learning!


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